Building a Monitor Wall

I had to create a complex effect sequence utilizing multiple monitors for a theme park. This is a simple way to break the image up into multiple monitors.

First tile the background image so it will approx. fit into the amount of monitors you wish. I needed to fill nine monitors, so with a little bit of cropping and a small bit of adjusting aspect ratio it was easy.

This illustration shows 9 axis’s and images arranged to create a 9 monitor wall. (To create this I made an oversized frame in Photoshop that was the grad at 2160 x 1458 (3×720, 3×486), then use TiloMat (see downloads in fxguide) to create the tiles and action setup!)

Zoom out (or animate the master axis) so you see all nine windows and create the sequence as you would like it to look on the monitor array.

This illustration adds a text layer that crosses the top three monitors, you can easily add other layers and animate them.

Then using pan in the camera or by repoing the parent axis (and maybe hide branch) line up each of the nine (in this example) windows to render each one separately. This is easy fast and perfectly accurate!!


Submitter: Scott Ellman