Peace on Earth

[image title=”peace” size=”medium” id=”507″ align=”left” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/peace.jpg” ]We just wanted to wish you all the very best for the holidays. It has been a great year for us and we feel truly blessed by all the response and support we have had both here at fxphd and at fxguide. This year saw both sites significantly grow in size and we hope in quality. We would like to thank the huge team behind the screens who do so much work – literally around the clock. We also want to thank our brilliant Profs who so honestly and openly share their knowledge with the community – they are inspiring.

And finally thank you — our readers and members – for making this all possible. We love being able to do this work. We think it lifts us all professionally and enables better quality work and more inspired visuals. Please travel safely these holidays and we look forward to seeing you back in 2009.

– John, Dave, Mike, and Jeff and all the team at both fxguide and fxphd.