Siggraph Asia

fxphd is in Korea for Siggraph Asia. We have already had a great time – recording some really in depth pieces on new techniques and approaches which will feed into courses this term and next. The Asian Siggraph’s are always smaller than the US main shows, and this year has not been helped by North

On Set

We were on set of the new Stereo RED MX feature Bait 3D last week. The production is in the middle of shooting now and will go into Post-production for a release possibly at the end of next year. The complex stereo effects are being done by BlackMagic in Singapore. The film looks fascinating from

Arri RAW Stereo Production

In what we believe to be a world first we have been shooting Arri Alexa RAW Stereo footage for fxphd in Sydney. The workflow has been shooting on two Arri Alexa’s to one Codex on camera recorder – with a removal SLC Solid State memory unit. This one unit records both cameras and then via

Shooting with the F3

Sony has entered the PL mount – large sensor (super35mm) race with the F3 – a solid camera for around $16,000. And a new baby NXCAM Super 35mm sensor handicam for around $5,000. This is really an interesting move. Sony will also make and sell PL mount lenses for around $2000 per prime lens –

inverse square law

This week we have been busy proving the inverse square law of lighting using an 8mm lens and some dolly track. Actually this is our second attempt to explain this – the first was in a DOP class a couple of terms back. This time it is for the Physics course, and I have to

New Background Fundamentals

This term’s background fundamentals is on Tech We Love: and we are starting by looking at Deep Compositing. The concept is closely aligned to that of Deep Shadows the hugely influential 2000 Pixar Siggraph paper by Tom Lokovic and Eric Veach. So much so that when we came to film some elements to help explain

New term gems

We have just launched the new term at fxphd and so I wanted to flag some of the ways we will be communicating this term…and how many of these have their own gems of information hidden within them. We have a lot of ways in which we communicate with members (which I’ll cover in a

Getting specific on Jobs.

At the moment inside fxphd’s Background Fundamentals here at fxphd, we are focusing on Jobs. We have already started and we are continue to talk to a huge array of senior recruiters from companies such as ILM, Double Negative, Animal Logic, Digital Domain, Rising Sun and others. We are looking not only the general issue