fxphd January09 Preview Video is Up

[image title=”c016_c008_1005fx_3685″ size=”medium” id=”527″ align=”none” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/c016_c008_1005fx_3685.jpg” ]We’ve got an explosive new term at fxphd in January, with 15 new courses and even more returning favorites. We just posted our preview video of the term and you can download it here. It’s a 30 minute overview of the new courses which we’ll be offering, as well as some general insights into our curriculum.

Mike and I always seem to get a bit nervous at the start of the term, wondering if we’ve got the right mix of courses….and hoping that people will sign up. But I have to say that while I still have a bit of trepidation — it’s natural, after all, especially with the current economic situation — I think we’ve got a killer lineup which really speaks to the strength of our site. When things are tough, one of the best things to do is brush up on your skills and make yourself invaluable, so we’ve put courses in place to help you do this.

The term includes our first ever offering of Houdini and Massive courses, editing theory and workflow, a new Nuke course, and even Mike and I returning to our roots to teach new flame courses. Mike’s course is gonna be a blast (sorry, another bad pun) when he uses some explosion footage we shot when I was in Australia in November. Check it out!