Fun in the sun – with explosives

[image title=”fun” size=”medium” id=”485″ align=”left” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/fun.jpg” ]We have started filming for next term’s fxphd. The problem I have in writing this blog is which pun to use.. we had a blast, it was the bomb, what a ripper, but you know the truth is – it is kind of stressful. It is stressful as we had just two takes. It is stressful making sure the crew is safe, the camera is not destroyed (it survived under 2 layers of bulletproof polycarbonate Lexan), it is stressful rigging hugely complex rigs, it is a bit stressful re calculating the maths of timing, framerates and explosives, or making sure the towers are high enough and secure enough and then fighting to get the shot before the sun goes down, and we loose the light, but not wanting to rush the guy with the C4, gasoline and gunpowder…. Did it work? Did we get the killer shot that will can now distribute to all the members of as part of a really great complex effects shot sequence? … the new term starts in Jan, find out then.