New Course:Flame for Fusion Artists (and Vice Versa)

2017 Flame Award winner Mihran Stepanyan is back with a new course covering both Flame and Fusion. It was created to introduce Fusion artists to Autodesk’s Flame by comparing and contrasting the two apps and recent features in each one. It’s also a great course for Flame artists who want to learn some great tips and techniques as well as discover areas in which Fusion can be used in a production environment.

Check out Mihran’s preview of the course, below. It’s one of over 200 courses that are available as part of an fxphd membership.


Mihran Stepanyan is visual effect supervisor, filmmaker, digital colorist and Flame artist with more than 15 years of experience in film and media industry and of that, six years using Flame. In 2017, he received the Autodesk Flame Award, which formally recognizes and celebrates outstanding artistry and technical talent within the worldwide Flame community.