FCP user group

This week we co-sponsored the local Final Cut User group event, and one of the organizers was fxphd Prof. Doug Suiter. Doug actually attended the event via ichat video window from London.

The night focused on FCP server. I really like Server. I think asset management is one of the huge issues we still need to solve. At fxphd we publish 15 hours of content a week. We have been hanging out for this. It does have some big soft spots, namely audio. While audio can be logged, the tools for even viewing the assets makes it impossible to know what type of audio any clip is. Yes I can go and with a few key click I can find out but that is not the point. I want to preview it – scan it and manage it like the rest of my assets. Still for major multiple seat FCP setups like ours – Server is a key solution. And the User group was a great get together to discuss it and explore how users are deploying Server.