If You Think You Have Been Hit Hard….

[image title=”sarahwired” size=”thumbnail” id=”652″ align=”left” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sarahwired.jpg” ] Spare a thought for Wired Magazine, while advertising pages are down by 23.8 % overall according to MediaWeek’s Monitor, poor Wired magazine is down a shocking 47.1%. Literally the magazine has seen its advertising support halve. That is worse than mega luxury goods publications like Town & Country

Thoughts From a Single Digit’er

[image title=”macbook3″ size=”medium” id=”647″ align=”right” linkto=”[site_url]/632/thoughts-from-a-single-digiter/macbook3″ ]Yesterday’s announcement of new MacBook Pros from Apple was not-so-warmly received by the post production community. The general specs were improved with more RAM, larger hard drives, and better quality displays. However, one big change in the 15″ flavor was the removal of the Express Card/34 slot, replacing it

Keeping it Organized (Around the World)

[image title=”basecamp” size=”medium” id=”628″ align=”left” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/basecamp.png” ]At fxguide/fxphd, we’re used to working from different locations and timezones — it’s been that way for us since day one. After seeing some tweets from one of our members, I thought I’d highlight a couple of web apps that really help make things easier on us: Backpack and

iPhone Canon DLSR Ap

[image title=”phone_ap” size=”thumbnail” id=”624″ align=”left” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/phone_ap.jpg” ]Without a doubt this new iPhone application is the best Ap we now have on our iPhones here in the office. The new 1on1 iPhone Canon DLSR controller software can be found by clicking here We have tested it here at the fxphd tech penthouse with both the 5D

Kodak 250D vision 3 launch

[image title=”kodak” size=”thumbnail” id=”621″ align=”left” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/kodak.jpg” ]I was recently invited to the Kodak Vision 3 launch of their 250D film stock. The tag line on the invitation got me thinking.. it read “If digital capture did not have enough challenges already…” – catchy line – I like it… but it made me think… what does

Where do advertisers spend?

We hear a lot about the growth of online ads and that this matches the decline in traditional advertising. This theory seems to make sense to a point, (- we’ll return to this in a minute). Certainly it is important to know where advertising dollars are being spent if your day job is making those

A Little Fun With Mograph

[image title=”afx205″ size=”medium” id=”612″ align=”none” ]fxphd certainly has its roots solidly in the visual effects field, but one area I’ve enjoyed concentrating on is expanding our motion graphics and After Effects offerings. This term’s AE mograph course with Tim Clapham has been fantastic and even I look forward to his classes coming out. He’s been

Importing from the UK for the Smoke Course

[image title=”ceraum” size=”thumbnail” id=”608″ align=”none” linkto=”[site_url]/600/importing-from-the-uk-for-the-smoke-course/ceraum”]Over the last several years, I’ve had the good fortune to travel in Asia doing master classes for flame users in Japan, Korea, Thailand and more. One of the best parts of the tour was getting the chance to hang with CE Raum, an incredibly talented smoke editor who has

We’re Back

[image title=”tmobile2″ size=”thumbnail” id=”593″ align=”right” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/tmobile2.png” ]A few people commented that with the enormous demands of production that we had not published as many interviews on fxguide in Feb or March as we normally do, well guilty as charged, but we are back now with a whole host of great interviews with more to come.

feed your soul

[image title=”dissocia1″ size=”thumbnail” id=”588″ align=”left” linkto=”[site_url]/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/dissocia1.jpg” ]I saw last night a new play here in Sydney, The Wonderful World of Dissocia. The play is funny, pythonesque, tragic, inventive and very well written. Imagine “Alice in Wonderland on Crack”. I was reminded that for those of us in visual effects that we need to spread out