Cartoon Shader in Inferno

I get some cool tips from browsing Opengl/Gaming books, and I found an easy technique for rendering 3D objects with the cartoon look.

Basically, you make a reflective texture using an image of a black “o” on white (or vice versa). The object will only reflect the “O” on it’s edges and reflect white on surfaces that face the camera. It’s so simple it’s mind boggling.

You can also add shades of grey to give more dimension to your cartoon shading, or even paint a cross hatch pattern for an illustrative look.

In this action setup, I use a Modular Keyer setup to draw an oval with a grey inner oval. This texture is attached to the torus and skull model. Enjoy!

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD SETUP (892KB zipped tar file)


Submitter: Danny Yoon