Adjusting garbage mattes in scene context

This is a simple workaround to allow you to edit garbage mattes, with their shape releative to the scene rather than just on the full 2d plane, (when pressing the ‘Action’ view button). This is a little bit of work and can probably be simplified using 8/5s improved expressions.

Problem: If you add a garbage matte to an image and then transform the image. When wishing to adjust the GM in the keyer, even using the ‘Action’view button, you don’t actually see the Garbage matte ‘in place’.


1. In the animation editor, COPY the entire axis channel for the desired layer.

2. Enter the keyer for the layer and add a new axis in the GM schematic. Turn on ‘Action’ view.

3. PASTE the axis information into the newly generated axis.

4. Temporarily deselect the ‘MASK ON’ button.

5. Parent the new axis to your GM brach.

6. The GM will now be positioned relative to your layers position, and can easily be adjusted ‘in context’.

7. Don’t forget to turn the ‘MASK ON’ and unParent the new axis, before returning into action.

Things to think about:

1. If your desired layer has multiple axis you will have to reproduce and PASTE all the appropriate information into your temporary axis in the keyer.

2. It is useful to name such axis in capitals such as TRANS_GM so as to remind you it has a ‘temporary’ link to the GM.

3. It would be nice to set up a dynamic link between action axis and the keyers axis using expressions, but this doesn’t seem to work with earlier versions.

4. Happy garbaging!


Submitter: Richard Lyons